There are a few different ways that you can check the text record of a domain. In this blog post, we will discuss three of them. The first way is to use a command line tool called “nslookup.” The second way is to use txt record checker website .” The third way is to use a command line tool called “dig.” Let’s take a closer look at each of these methods!

what is txt record?

A txt record is a type of DNS record that stores text information. It can be used to store any type of text information, such as the name of a website or the address of a server. The text record is often used to store information that is not easily represented in other DNS record types.

What is the format of a txt record?

A txt record has a simple format that consists of two parts: a key and a value. The key is used to identify the data, while the value is used to store the actual data. For example, a text record with a key of “website” and a value of “” would be used to store the website information for

check txt record of a domain with nslookup command

The nslookup command-line tool is the best way to check the txt record of a domain. To use this tool, simply type “nslookup -type=txt” followed by the domain name. For example, if we wanted to check the text record of, we would type “nslookup -type=txt” This tool will return the text record for the specified domain.

nslookup -type=txt
;; Truncated, retrying in TCP mode.
Non-authoritative answer: text = “MS=E4A68B9AB2BB9670BCE15412F62916164C0B20BB” text = “docusign=05958488-4752-4ef2-95eb-aa7ba8a3bd0e” text = “apple-domain-verification=30afIBcvSuDV2PLX”

check txt record of a domain from online website

The txt record checker website is another great way to check the text record of a domain. Simply search text record checker in Google and enter the domain name into the search box and click “Search.” This website will return the text record for the specified domain.

check txt record of a domain with dig command

The dig command line tool is another great way to check the text record of a domain. To use this tool, simply type “dig TXT” followed by the domain name. For example, if we wanted to check the text record of, we would type “dig TXT” This tool will return the text record for the specified domain.

% dig txt +short

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