Do you ever feel like your internet is slow, even though you’re not doing anything bandwidth-intensive? It might be time to check your network speed. In this blog post, we will discuss three ways to check your network speed in Linux. We will also provide instructions on how to do so. Keep reading for more information!

check network speed in Linux with an online tool

The best way to check network speed in Linux is using an online speed test tool like Simply go to the website, click on the “Begin Test” button, and wait for the results.

You can also use the command-line tool, `speedtest`. To use this tool, you will need to install it first. You can do so by running the following command: `sudo apt-get install speedtest`. Once it is installed, you can run the `speedtest` command to check your download and upload speeds.

check network speed in Linux with netperf command

The second way to check your network speed is by using the `netperf` tool. This tool is not installed by default, so you will need to install it first. You can do so by running the following command: `sudo apt-get install netperf`. Once it is installed, you can run the `netperf` command to check your network speed.

check more testing steps from here.

If you need to install from the source code, follow these steps:

  1. Run the following command to install gcc:
  2. yum -y install unzip gcc gcc-c++
  3. Run the following command to download the netperf installation package:
  4. wget –no-check-certificate
  5. Run the following commands to decompress the installation package and install netperf:
  6. unzip
  7. cd netperf-netperf-2.7.0/
  8. ./configure && make && make install

check network speed in Linux with iperf command

The third way to check your network speed is by using the `iperf` tool. This tool is not installed by default, so you will need to install it first. You can do so by running the following command: `sudo apt-get install iperf`. Once it is installed, you can run the `iperf` command to check your network speed.

  1. Run the following command to download the iperf3 installation package:
  2. wget –no-check-certificate -O
  3. Run the following commands to decompress the installation package and install iperf3:
  4. unzip
  5. cd iperf-master/
  6. ./configure && make && make install

check more testing steps from here.

why is the network connection slow in Linux?

When it comes to network speed, there are a few things that can affect it.

  • One is the type of connection you have. If you’re using a dial-up modem, your speed will be significantly slower than if you’re using a broadband connection like cable or DSL.
  • Another thing that can affect your speed is the number of people who are using the same connection as you. If you’re on a shared network at home or at work, for example, everyone else’s activity can impact your speed.
  • Finally, the distance between you and your ISP can also play a role. The further away you are, the longer it takes for data to travel back and forth, which can result in slower speeds.

How to fix network speed issue in Linux

Do a quick online search for “network troubleshooting” + Linux. This will bring up a variety of articles and forums that can offer additional tips.

Take some time to go through your computer’s settings and make sure everything is optimized for performance. This includes things like disabling any unnecessary programs or services that are running in the background, as well as making sure your antivirus software is up-to-date.

If you’re still having trouble, contact your Internet service provider and ask if there are any known issues in your area. They may be able to provide you with troubleshooting steps or even give you a temporary credit if your service has been slow recently. Thank you for reading! We hope this has been helpful!

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