How Encryption works with Private Key and Public Key

Each private key has a corresponding public key. Generally, the public key can be easily derived from the private key, but deriving the private key from the public key is computationally infeasible. We will review how encryption works with public key and private key in the following example. create RSA private key with openssl command…

2 Ways to Check TLS Certificate expiration Date with OpenSSL Command

We can quickly solve TLS or SSL certificate issues by checking the certificate’s expiration from the openssl command line. Today, let us see how to check certificate’s expiration date in 2 ways. The first one is to check the certificate on remote server side. The second is to check the certificate by PEM files. Check…

Create SSL Certificate With OpenSSL Command

A self-signed SSL certificate is a security certificate that is not signed by a certificate authority (CA). These certificates are easy to make and do not cost money. The Self-signed SSL certificate is mainly used for non-production applications or other experiments. Generate private key and self signed SSL certificate Run the following OpenSSL command to…